Speed up your audits with MobileOps
Many of our customers have told us that MobileOps simplifies and shortens the average time of their surveys and audits. The primary reason is that crew members are able to use MobileOps to prove compliance with objective evidence and provide auditors with reports and data quickly and efficiently.

Security Log
At MobileOps we like to make security our number one priority (along with our other number one priority — keeping the app as simple as possible). Examples of some security features our customers can use include two-factor authentication and a requirement to change passwords after a certain amount of time has passed. Both of which are optional.
MobileOps is Integration Friendly
In a world where data plays a huge role in operational efficiencies, technology and software continue to expand within companies. It is not uncommon for companies to utilize a number of technology tools and software programs to aid in such efficiencies. Because companies rely on a number of tools for efficiency, system integration becomes key in achieving that efficiency. Not only should companies seek tools that are really handy, but they should seek tools that are able to integrate with others. Below are just a couple cool ways in which MobileOps can integrate with other systems.
The Power of Form Builder II
Form Builder was designed so our customers could digitize company forms and processes, which also provides the ability to digitize data. When Form Builder was released and put into our customers hands it took off. Form Builder has been one of the powerful additions to the MobileOps platform and has provided much efficiency to customer processes.
Decentralizing Safety Training
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, marine companies are looking for ways to decentralize their safety and training initiatives. With centralized training, like an in-group seminar or meeting, the risk of spreading illness among separate crews is too great at this point in time. With MobileOps, companies are able to decentralize many business functions that are often centralizatized, such as safety and training.
Examples of maximizing efficiency
Following-up with my last blog post, Software, business processes, and reflection, I thought it would be beneficial to give customer examples of efficiencies that have stemmed from using MobileOps. These examples include customers who have reflected and assessed their current processes and improved them through utilization of MobileOps.
Software, business processes, and reflection
Nearly all companies are turning to software to manage and improve their business processes. Improvement usually relates to making business processes more efficient while maintaining the desired outcome or value. However, in order to gain value from utilizing software, it is important that companies reflect on and potentially modify their current processes so that they work in harmony with software, rather than against it.
Helping our customers stay safe during the COVID-19 pandemic
Due to COVID-19 we have had to adjust our everyday lives and make some changes in order to stay safe and healthy. Essential maritime companies that continue to operate during these trying times have a large responsibility to also keep their employees safe and healthy as well. To achieve this, companies have had to implement changes and come up with new strategies—like social distancing—in just a few weeks. MobileOps has helped our current customers implement these new strategies and we’ve shared some of the primary use cases below.
The Importance of Exploring the Marketplace
Making decisions is something we face every single day of our lives. Business decisions in particular are those of which come up most often and can be the most difficult to make. In some cases we have experience within the area for which we are making a decision for. However, often times we have no clue what a decision might lead to. In regards to finding a software solution and making a decision on what fits best for your business the MobileOps team has a few tips we have deemed the most useful.
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